Arduino Radar

How does an Arduino Radar works?
Using an ultra sonic sensor which  circles by an servo motor & detects the objects using frequency as well as show them on the laptop or any kinds of monitor...

Used programming code for the directions or instructions for the Arduino UNO....

Can be used in a situation where someone is driving any kinds of vehicles in a foggy or dark place where he/she can't see anything... They can set up this kinds of system to detect some object around there placement & also learn about the distance & angle of that object from the driver...The green ray on display represents no object & Red ray represents objective attendance around the radar...
Thus this cool project can be used in many kinds of simple problems...

Explanation by :- Shafkat Mahmud Sifat (Co-founder @salimpursa)
Setup by :- Mohammad Shabit Bin Shahid
Art & grafix :- M H Anna (Co-founder @salimpursa)
Co-operate by:- Amit Barua
Arduino Radar Arduino Radar Reviewed by Abdul Hannan Akib on June 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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