Difficult is Easy and Easy is Difficult

A difficult thing lies in a easy thing.A lot of easy things make a difficult thing such as : some simple english alphabet makes word, word makes sentence, sentence makes paragraph, paragraph makes novel, novel makes epic. If we want to collect knowledge firstly we should know about alphabet then other.
But at present we know  about novel or epic but we don't have any  idea about alphabet . It  means we have trees without roots. This is a symbol of our generation in our country. Our students know the complex thing but they don't have no basics. That's why the decline of our country coming soon. They easily memorise the complex thing but they do not find basic thing in the complex thing. That's why I say "Difficult is easy but easy is difficult." If we want to win we must need to convert difficult tings into easy things. But how we can do that?
Firstly, we should gather knoledge and understand the basics things. Secondly we should learn how to use basics in difficut things  and thirdly we should believe in ourselves.
This three law can break all impossible thing or difficult things.My most favourite quatation is "Every thing is possible when you have a strong trust in yourselves" this third law is very important. I realize that it can change all general law of life. We know that Man is the best creation of Allah.Do we know why it is the best creation? Our most deadly weapon is "Humanity".and we have a great organ is our brain.If we use both in our life we will never fail and we will break all impossible things.So money is not our assets, we are the assets.Every man has unique power.and every man has virtue and every man has bad habbits..so we are same .so we dont compare another man with me. You need to know we are unique in this universe .our price is more valuable than a coror of diamond .A man change the world .i have great evedence to prove this line.our prophet Hazrat Mohammad (s) .he change the world and also change all kind of generation.He is my great icon.Don't run for success.success will come for you when you do believe in yourselves and do industry for you aim. Dont forget nothing is impossible. You need only believes  and use every second in your life.
Remember that "Yesterday is history, tomorrow  is mystry,today is gift .so we should open the gift and use properly and get success.......

- Sheikh Miraz Uddin Badsha
Co-Founder, Salimpur Science Academy
Difficult is Easy and Easy is Difficult Difficult is Easy and Easy is Difficult Reviewed by Abdul Hannan Akib on June 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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